
Provost's Standing Committees

The Provost chairs and oversees multiple committees across campus and participates in many committees chaired or organized by others on campus. Click on each committee or council name to learn more about the committee's charge and participants. 

Provost's Committees

The Provost's Cabinet

The Provost's Cabinet is the academic affairs group that advises the Provost on academic issues, faculty issues, and student issues, including enrollment planning; student success and student services; curricular issues; research issues, and the necessary resources (budgetary, capital and human) to accomplish academic affairs. This group is charged with generally fostering excellence in the academic programs of the university. 

  • BCOE Dean
  • Business Dean
  • CHASS Dean
  • CNAS Dean
  • SOE Dean
  • SOM Dean and Vice Chancellor
  • SPP Dean
  • UNEX Dean
  • University Librarian
  • Associate Provost
  • Academic Senate Chair
  • Ombudsman
  • Vice Provost and Dean of Undergraduate Education
  • Vice Provost and Dean of Graduate Studies
  • Vice Provost of Academic Personnel
  • Vice Provost of Administrative Resolution
  • Associate Vice Chancellor for Enrollment Services
  • Associate Vice Chancellor and Chief Information Officer
  • Vice Chancellor of Research and Economic Development
  • Vice Chancellor and Chief Diversity Officer
  • Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs (optional)
  • Associate Vice Chancellor of Health, Well Being and Safety (optional)

This Council meets once a month and is chaired by the Provost & Executive Vice Chancellor.

For a list of the current deans, visit

For a list of the current Vice Provosts and Associate Vice Chancellors who advise the Provost, visit

For information about the Chancellor and the Chancellor's Cabinet, visit and

The Dean's Council

The Dean's Council is composed of all academic deans (BCOE, CHASS, CNAS, GSOE, SOBA, SOM, SPP, Extension and Graduate Division). 

The Provost serves as an advocate and mentor for the Deans. A dean is the administrative head of a college or school and is responsible for providing academic leadership to the faculty; carrying out program improvements in teaching, research, and public service; and for student matters, such as academic advising, student relations, and in some cases admissions. Deans report to the Provost & Executive Vice Chancellor. UCR Deans participate in decision making with the Provost through Deans Council and frequently through participation on task forces and other committees designed to address campus goals.

To view the current deans, visit

Course Scheduling Committee

The Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor (PEVC) is responsible for determining how campus space is allocated, including classroom space. Thus, the campus course scheduling policy also falls under the purview of the PEVC. Course scheduling should be responsive to evolving campus needs and should be informed by broad input from stakeholders. Therefore, the PEVC relies on a Course Scheduling Committee (CSC) to foster communication and transparency, to provide a forum for concerns to be discussed and addressed, and to make recommendations to the PEVC on all aspects of course scheduling. This includes priority scheduling, final exam scheduling, special agreements with departments that have unique scheduling needs, exceptions and changes to the campus scheduling policy, and other related issues. The CSC also works closely with the Registrar to implement the campus scheduling policy on an ongoing basis.

For more on the Course Scheduling Committee, visit their website

Campus Finance Committee

The Campus Finance Committee (CFC) was created in May 2021 to be advisory to the provost and chancellor and to replace the former Budget Advisory Committee. The standing committee will meet on at least a monthly basis to review, discuss, and advise on the campus core financial plan, including annual resource allocation, distribution of one-time funds (e.g., HEERF), and capital investments.

Campus Finance Committee webpage

Campus Safety Workgroup


This workgroup is charged with (i) aligning the Campus Safety Task Force’s recommendations with UC Presidential guidelines and feedback from other UCR campus constituencies, (ii) beginning implementation of the recommendations, (iii) establishing criteria and processes for monitoring and evaluating implementation, and (iv) setting up a standing committee that will monitor and evaluate implementation, in light of an ongoing review of best practices and research literature on campus and community safety. 

Campus Safety Workgroup Webpage

Executive Management Policy Group (EMPG)

The Executive Management Policy Group (EMPG) is UC Riverside’s executive-level oversight and strategic decision-making body during a potential or actual crisis situation. When activated the EMPG is responsible for and has the authority to make strategic, financial, policy, operational decisions in response to the issue or event.

EMPG responsibilities include:

  • Making policy and strategic decisions that have significant implications for the campus,
  • Approving the communications strategy and key messages for both internal and external stakeholders,
  • Providing strategic guidance both during and after the crisis,
  • Informing, periodically briefing, and making recommendations to UCOP on the overall response strategy and key issues, and
  • Identifying, forecasting and/or managing key issues and consequences affecting our campus community.

EMPG Organization


EMPG Members Include: 

  • Chancellor & Office of the Chancellor
  • EMPG Liaison
  • Planning, Budget, and Administration
  • Campus Counsel
  • Student Affairs
  • University Advancement
  • University Communications
  • Emergency Management
  • Diversity and Inclusion
  • UCPD
  • Compliance

Ad hoc Members May Include: Academic Deans, HR, Alumni Relations, Academic Senate, Athletics, Faculty, Graduate Division, Health Services, ITS, Research, Real Estate, and/or Student Leaders.

For more on Emergency Procedures visit

Provost's Participating Committees

Dean's Research Committee

The Dean’s Research Committee is convened by the Vice Chancellor for Research and Economic Development (VCRED) and it normally meets monthly. The committee provides feedback to the VCRED about research and economic development initiatives and research administration and helps develop strategic planning in those areas. It is also a venue for the VCRED to inform the campus leadership about RED current issues and plans and receive suggestions and concerns from the other committee members and the stakeholders they represent.

The Dean's Research Committee includes all of the Deans and Associate Deans of the colleges/schools, the UC Riverside Academic Senate Chair, the Provost, the Associate Provost, VCRED, and the senior AVC for Research. 

Ethics & Compliance Risk and Audit Controls Committee

The UCR Ethics and Compliance Risk & Audit and Controls Committee provides campus oversight to the UC Ethics and Compliance Program and is advisory to the SVP/Chief Compliance and Audit Officer through the UC Ethics and Compliance Risk Council.  The Committee continues its current activities with respect to Audit and Controls responsibilities.

The Committee is co-chaired by the Provost & Executive Vice Chancellor and the Associate Vice Chancellor and Chief Compliance Officer (AVC & CCO), meets at least quarterly and maintains a quorum (defined as a majority of members present) for at least 90% of the scheduled meetings on an annual basis.

The Committee comprises senior campus leadership responsible for various areas of campus compliance risks, academic leadership, audits, controls and one or more members of the UC Office of Ethics, Compliance and Audit Services.  Committee members may not delegate their committee responsibilities, including their meeting attendance responsibility, to anyone.  The Committee is charged with the following, including but not limited to:

  • Responsibility and support for the overall Program as it relates to the campus, including implementation, performance metrics and ongoing campus processes of the Program
  • Encouraging awareness of compliance and open lines of communication throughout the campus
  • Monitoring the effectiveness and consistency of compliance practices throughout the campus
  • Developing risk assessment processes for campus use in identifying and mitigating high-risk compliance areas
  • Advising on the need for campus-specific guidance documents, education materials, and training courses, monitoring the compliance environment as it relates to specific risk areas and recommending compliance policies and best practices for systemwide implementation
  • Reporting compliance risk areas of high priority and proposed risk mitigation activities to the Council, both on an ad hoc basis, and through formal quarterly and annual campus compliance reports

Chancellor's Community Advisory Committees

The Chancellor’s Community Advisory Committees provide an opportunity for the Chancellor to seek valuable input and feedback from key community constituencies. Currently, Chancellor Wilcox meets on a regular basis with three committees: the Dr. Barnett and Eleanor Jean Grier Concerned Citizens of UCR, the oldest of the groups representing African American leaders since 1982; the Native American Advisory Committee; and the Chancellor’s Advisory Committee for Chicano/Latino Affairs.

Each group is comprised of community, business, education, non-profit and government leaders, as well as engaged UCR alumni. Topics of discussion often include student recruitment and graduation success; faculty, staff, and campus leadership recruitment, hiring and retention; campus climate and safety, and highlighting new programs and initiatives.

The chairs of the committees are:

Jalani Bakari, Grier Concerned Citizens

Theresa Mike, Native American Advisory Committee

Ninfa Delgado, Advisory Committee for Chicano/Latino Affairs

Sustainability Committee

The purpose of UCR’s Committee on Sustainability is to facilitate and promote the implementation of sustainability goals, strategies, programs, and resource investments in support of the University of California’s overall sustainability policies and practices. 

The Committee is advisory to UCR’s leadership and is co-chaired by the Faculty Director of Sustainability and UCR’s Sustainability Officer. Members are appointed and continue service at the discretion of Provost. 

The Committee will meet periodically to review UC Riverside’s sustainability status, efforts, and advise UCR’s leadership on:

  • Overall campus efforts to achieve UC Office of the President policies related to sustainability goals and targets;
  • Creation of UC Riverside policies which achieve or exceed UCOP sustainability goals;
  • Endorsement of campus strategies, plans, programs, and actions which advance UC Riverside toward sustainability goals;
  • Potential faculty and student research projects that can be undertaken to help achieve UCR’s sustainability goals;
  • Potential instructional curriculum that can help educate students, staff, and faculty on different elements of sustainability.

UCR Sustainability Committee