
Campus Finance Committee 

The Campus Finance Committee (CFC) was created in May 2021 to be advisory to the provost and chancellor and to replace the former Budget Advisory Committee. The standing committee will meet on at least a monthly basis to review, discuss, and advise on the campus core financial plan, including annual resource allocation, distribution of one-time funds (e.g., HEERF), and capital investments.


The purpose of the CFC is to engage leaders of schools, colleges, and major campus units in overall resource allocation strategy development and implementation. 

Committee Membership

  • Elizabeth Watkins, Provost (Chair)
  • Stephanie Flores, Interim AVC FP&A 
  • Mariam Lam, VCDEI
  • Gerry Bomotti, VCPBA
  • Rodolfo Torres, VCRED
  • Brian Haynes, VCSA
  • Monique Dozier, VCUA
  • Deborah Deas, VC for Health Sciences & Dean of School of Medicine
  • Denise Woods, VC for Health, Well-being & Safety
  • Chris Lynch, Dean of BCOE
  • Daryle Williams, Dean of CHASS
  • Peter Atkinson, Interim Dean of CNAS
  • Joi Spencer, Dean of SOE
  • Yunzeng Wang, Dean of School of Business
  • Mark Long, Dean of SPP
  • Kevin Vaughn, Dean of UNEX
  • Lidia Kos, Vice Provost and Dean of Graduate Studies
  • Louie Rodriguez, Vice Provost and Dean of Undergraduate Education
  • Steven Mandeville-Gamble, University Librarian
  • Sang-Hee Lee, Chair of Academic Senate
  • Reza Abbaschian, PB&A Chair of Academic Senate
  • Erika Leon, President of Staff Assembly
  • Ankita Ahluwalia, ASUCR President

Past Meetings and Minutes


Budget Advisory Committee Archive

The documents, decisions, and notes from the former Budget Advisory Committee are archived below. 

Former BAC Members: Tom Smith (Co-chair), Gerry Bomotti (Co-chair), Ken Baerenklau, Harry Tom, Yunzeng Wang, Kathryn Uhrich, Cindy Williams, Shelley Gupta, Rodolfo Torres, Denise Woods