
Other Units

Other units with a reporting line to the Provost Office:
Information Technology Solutions

Information Technology Solutions provides transformative, integrated, and robust information technology services, systems, and infrastructures in support of UC’s and UCR’s trifold mission of teaching, research, and public service. Information Technology Solutions provides its services and support in a fiscally responsible and customer-focused manner, with a commitment to diversity within an environment that fosters collaboration and collegiality.

Office of the Ombuds

The Office of the Ombuds is a confidential, impartial, informal, and independent resource that assists UCR community members, including students, faculty, and staff, in addressing or resolving a dispute or ongoing conflict.

Other units with a dotted line to the Provost Office:
Planning, Budget and Administration

The Provost is largely involved in campus planning and budget processes and provides support to the Chancellor in important budgetary decisions. For more information on UC Riverside's budget status and planning and budget process, please visit their website.

The Provost Office works closely with the following units:
Academic Senate

The Provost/EVC Office is the channel for all communication between the Provost & Executive Vice Chancellor and the Academic Senate – Riverside Division. The Academic Senate is the independent organized body representing the faculty in the University of California system and at each campus as part of UC's shared governance structure. Shared governance at the University of California entails a balance of faculty, staff, and student input and accountability in the planning and decision-making processes. The Provost holds a special relationship with the Academic Senate – Riverside Division as it meets its responsibilities of determining academic policy, overseeing admissions, supervising curricula and courses, and advising on faculty appointments, merits and promotions. For more information, visit the Academic Senate website.

Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Diversity is not an abstract concept at UC Riverside.  It is a source of strength and pride for our students, faculty, staff, alumni, administrators, and community at large.  Awareness of, and a focus on, inclusion is imbued in all we do and reflects a historical commitment to the value of inclusive excellence and difference that matters. For more information, visit the Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion website.

Office of Institutional Research

Institutional Research supports UC Riverside with data analysis and reports designed to inform campus strategic planning and decision-making. They are the source of official statistics for the university related to students, faculty, and staff. For more information, visit the Institutional Research website.