
Campus Report on Scenarios for Future UC Degree Growth at UCR

September 13, 2018

RE: Campus Report on Scenarios for Future UC Degree Growth at UCR

This spring, President Napolitano asked each campus to develop a report on Strategies to Support Degree Production, the premise being that there are mechanisms for increasing the number of Californians with degrees, beyond simply adding students. These include: decreasing time-to-degree, increasing retention and graduation rates, and incorporating more on-line and non-traditional instructional modes. Attached is UCR’s report. You will see that our response reflects all of these approaches and importantly, it also identifies the resources needed to effect the plan. This report, along with those from the other undergraduate campuses, will help to inform future decisions within the University.

This report is one of several planning processes taking place across the UC system, as well as here on campus. Last year, along with the other campuses we submitted to the President’s Office a Framework for Growth and Support that attempted to project enrollment growth through the year 2040 as a means of informing longer term conversations with the legislature and the Board of Regents. This coming year, we will begin the revision of our campus Long Range Development Plan (LRDP). The new LRDP also will attempt to describe UCR out to the year 2040, including everything from total enrollment, to our use of precious resources, to our relationships with our neighbors.

Please contact me at if you have questions or wish to provide input.  There will also be opportunities to provide input into these issues and other important aspects of UCR’s future as we enter into campus-wide strategic planning in 2019.


Cynthia K. Larive, Ph.D.
Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor

Link to Campus Report on Scenarios for Future UC Degree Growth at UCR